Whether it’s a girl vigorously snapping photos of her latte art in the local coffee shop, a middle aged dad aimlessly snapping pictures of his son's soccer game, or a product manager shooting prototype stills, everyone is becoming a photographer.

And for good reason....we live in an age where content = king, and imagery = great content!  With a majority of people now having a camera phone in their pocket at all times, images have become a powerful yet quick communication tool for business. It is imperative to have compelling photos on your blog, website, emails and social media networks if you want to stand out. According to Jeff Bullas, “60% of consumers are more likely to consider or contact a business when an image shows up in search results.”

So, what can you do so your photos illuminate amongst a sea of other pictures on the web? Don’t worry - you don’t need to be a professional photographer to have eye-catching photos. Take a glimpse below at 5 photo apps that will make your photos pop:


This app allows you to add your favorite quote to a picture with unique typography, as well as use amazing filters and add a variety of shapes, patterns and borders.


With endless amounts of photo-effects this app makes any basic picture bold and beautiful. It also has a unique feature called “Voice Picture.” Voice Picture allows you to record a voice message at the same time you are taking a picture. This gives you a spoken caption for your picture. 


Along with a wide range of functions, this app offers a light-leak photo effect that gives any picture a whimsical look. 

DXP Free

DXP mixes pictures together and can combine two photos into one to give it a creative look.

Tiny Planet Photos App

Tiny Planet is a photo app that has an extremely unique fisheye effect that transforms any picture into what looks like a tiny planet.

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