Are your social media posts getting buried in your audience’s timeline before they get to see them? Well, you are not alone. Consider this — if your average follower is following 1,000 people on a social network, your posts are going to be one in a sea of thousands of others. And, as other people start posting, sharing, or tweeting, your content will be pushed down further, which can make it go completely unseen.

However, getting posts to grab more eyeballs on social media is not a matter of luck. Viral posts don’t happen by chance. They are crafted to go viral.

Here are 6 tips that will help you get your social media posts seen by as many eyes as possible.

1. Make Your Posts Simple and Easy to Understand

Content that goes viral does so for a reason — because it connects with the reader instantly. To make sure this happens, you need to create content that’s easy to understand.

Plus, social media moves at a fast rate. Your posts have a very small window to make an impact before the attention of your audience is diverted to that next video or funny cat meme on his/her timeline. So keep complex ideas and longer explanations for a different channel and write your posts in simple words. This will make it easy for a wider audience to follow your message.

2. Add Eye-Catching Visuals

Content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images. Besides, visuals and images increase the likelihood of your posts getting liked and shared by your audience. But boring stock photos, pixelated, or poor-quality images will do just the opposite — drive viewers away.

Instead, you should choose images that express what you’re trying to say in your post. For example, Red Bull’s Instagram images perfectly reflect the core theme of their posts — enjoying life and seeking new adventures.

The right images also impact audiences on an emotional level, especially when it’s something happy and positive. When you build your posts around these emotions and supplement them with matching visuals, your posts are more likely to be noticed.

3. Use Words That Trigger Action

After images, it’s the words you use in your posts that decide whether your audience will read it or ignore it. Words like “how,” “what,” and “why” work well to trigger emotional response that grabs a person’s attention and prompts him/her to take action. Here’s a list of 50 trigger words that can boost the effectiveness of your posts.

4. Inject Conversation Starters

Increase the engagement factor of your post by making it a two-way conversation. There are many ways to do this. You could ask them interesting questions, post a quiz or a poll, or encourage them to share their story or a photo relevant to your post.

Bonus tip: You could incentivize such posts to maximize the results. For example, if you’re posting a quiz, you could announce a winner after a designated time period and reward him/her with a discount coupon or an offer.     

5. Be Consistent

An irregular posting habit is the greatest enemy of your social media visibility. When you post your updates on a regular basis, at the time you know your audience would be most active, you increase the chances of your posts being seen, liked, and shared. Test out different posting schedules to find what works best for your brand.

6. Re-share but Don’t Spam

With the speed at which the social media world moves, there's a good chance your target audience will never see your posts if you don’t repeat your posts. For example, the average lifespan of a tweet is nearly 24 minutes. So, by the time your audience gets a chance to see your post on their timeline, it may have already been buried.

While you shouldn’t hesitate to share your posts more than once, you should absolutely steer clear of overdoing it. The frequency of re-sharing your posts will differ from platform to platform. In relation to this, we found some great tips at Buffer and Marketing Land and thought you might love them too.

The tips we’ve shared above will help you send across your social media messages more effectively, connect deeply with your followers on an emotional level, and spark conversations. So try them out for your next round of social media posts and tell us if you found them helpful.

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