Taking on the role of community manager requires a vast amount of responsibility on a regular basis. A community manager builds, grows and manages online communities, so having some sort of checklist or agenda is key to staying organized and being effective. With so many responsibilities it can be overwhelming to sort them out into an organized list, but we are here to help. Check out our community manager’s checklist below:

Quality Control

To have a successful online community, it is important to keep multiple authors representing the brand in a consistent way. Make sure all blogs, webinars, videos and all types of content have quality and are relevant with a consistent voice carried throughout. This gives the content creators guidelines and readers a sense that all content is in conjunction with another.

Discussion Moderation

Keep an eye out for inappropriate or obscene comments posted on the online community you’re managing. The negative and unfavorable comments that catch your attention are the ones that you want to delete from your page. On the other hand, respectful disagreement isn’t negative and should not be removed. Not every comment is going to be sunshine and rainbows or gleaming compliments, so be open to other opinions and only delete comments that cross the line.


To keep you and your customer on the same page, send them monthly reports to keep them up to date.  Consistently use Google Analytics or other measurement tools to provide reports on metrics, and continually find ways to improve on those metrics through testing and new initiatives.

Content Management

Whether it is video, pictures, forums, updates or blogging, help to create a fresh supply of alluring news from the company and about the community. Working closely with customers on a weekly basis to gather any new quality content they may have is vital in order to keep their site up to date and engaging. Another part of content management for an online community is to direct and manage social media activities like Facebook and Twitter for the site.

Technical Support

Make sure to manage and support the key technical components and online interface with customers. When needed, assist customers in uploading content and navigating them through the site. It is important for your customers to feel they can count on you as a knowledgeable source for them to go to when they need help.

Do you already use a similar checklist to manage your online community? If so, let us know what your checklist consists of, or tell us how you used ours to make changes to or adjust your own! Have other ideas to add to the community manager’s checklist? We are open to hearing those, too, so share them in the comments below!

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