At New Angle Media, we’re always looking for opportunities to engage with our local community and help organizations reach their audience. In January of 2016, we did just that and released the first issue of the anticipated GivingHopeAZ magazine – an online, interactive magazine focused on furthering the efforts of nonprofits in our state and bringing awareness to their causes.
GivingHopeAZ has three goals: to inform, educate, and inspire. By featuring stories from nonprofits across the state about their marketing efforts - stories about overcoming challenges, information about how to raise awareness, and tips for successful fundraisers and events - GivingHopeAZ provides content that no one else does.
The Idea
Back in 2013, Al Maag of MaagComm+ teamed up with New Angle Media to release GivingHope.TV, a video platform that showcases the stories of nonprofits in Arizona and across the country. Potential donors can watch (instead of just listen to or read) the stories of organizations and, by leveraging the powerful impact of video, catch the eye of these donors and raise funds. Organizations are able to share their videos for free on the video platform.
As a companion to GivingHope.TV, GivingHopeAZ introduces another medium through which nonprofits can share their stories. Maag saw the unique opportunity to drive awareness and create a unified community to promote nonprofits’ efforts in Arizona with other charities as well as corporate sponsors that take part in various philanthropic initiatives.
The Process
Because of the goals of the magazine, New Angle Media’s creative team drafted an outline for the look and feel.
“The design is inspired by each story in the hope it connects with the reader and makes them feel like a part of the nonprofit,” said Andres Orellana, Senior Designer. Each issue of the magazine offers tips and tricks, stories of success and how to overcome challenges, business’ involvement with the nonprofit community, and more. Graphical elements such as images, callouts and infographics are spread throughout the publication.
Once the magazine was designed, it needed content. Teams from both MaagComm+ and New Angle Media worked together to sell and create advertisements, gather the stories and photos, and put the magazine together in a creative and organized manner with lots of partner collaboration and involvement from the local community.
The Result
Giving Hope AZ, which just released its second issue, has met its initial goals!
- Inform – the magazine shares with its readers a wealth of information about marketing in the nonprofit space.
- Educate – our audience learns from other organizations and businesses about their efforts to raise awareness for social causes.
- Inspire – community members from both the nonprofit and business world are inspired by our featured stories highlighting challenges and successes of local nonprofits.
The GivingHopeAZ publication is released on a bi-monthly basis. Check out the first and second issues, and subscribe to receive future issues right in your inbox!