Do you know the key players in the online marketing game this year?
The growth of social, video, and other online marketing tactics has changed the way companies both large and small will market and advertise online in the upcoming year. It's hard to project exact trends or the "next big thing" in the fast moving online world today, but we have highlighted three major players that we feel will be key to the online marketing game in 2014.
Social media marketing will be mandatory. No matter the size or reach of your company, whether it be local or national, you will need to be on social networks. Being active on social platforms helps you engage with your consumer in an area where they feel comfortable, while still being able to market your products or services. By not implementing a social strategy for your company, you could be missing out on a huge potential consumer base and a great opportunity to build brand awareness.
The rise of Video & Imagery + Social. Online video and imagery can be game changers for those who have not already implemented them into their marketing strategies for the upcoming year. Infographics, images, and high quality videos are much more compelling than text. Content is valuable if it's shared, and most of the rising social platforms such as Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram Videos have gained prominenece because of their image and video sharing capabilities. Everyone has heard the old saying "a picture tells a thousand words"...that phrase will take a whole new meaning in 2014.
Big data. It's starting to become clear to marketers that a key way to thrive online is through social and location-based approaches tied in with data, insights, and analytics. Tying marketing efforts to results, knowing whether a campaign is effective and where your traffic came from, will all be key components in marketing for the upcoming year. Big data can provide the business intelligence your organization needs to succeed.
We want to hear from you! What do you plan to incorporate into your marketing strategies in 2014?