Many marketing and advertising agencies exist in the Valley, but one is positioning itself as a leader in web development and digital marketing for Phoenix’s growing tech scene. Nestled in the heart of Midtown at their new company headquarters, New Angle Media is turning heads and driving results with an impressive evolution of their business model.

“Phoenix is rapidly becoming one of the leading tech hubs in the country and we're excited to be a part of it," said Kris Brandt, President and co-founder of New Angle.

Over the last 15 years, New Angle has dramatically expanded their service offering to include full-service video production, content and social media creation and management, SEO/SEM, digital marketing and, most notably, enterprise software development.  It was this latter capability that made it quite natural for the agency to engage with Sitecore®, one of the leading software platforms available today.  Sitecore is the global leader in customer experience management software, combining content management, commerce and customer insights.

"Having seen an entire generation of agencies come and go here in the Valley, we're accustomed to momentous change and rapid innovation in our industry," said Brandt. "It's been very exciting for us to adapt and now bring best of breed solutions through the convergence of marketing and technology to our enterprise clients."

New Angle has been a Sitecore Partner since 2014 and was awarded Certified Implementation Partner status in October 2017 after New Angle's Creative Director, Andrew Tamala, followed in the footsteps of Software Director Shaun Roberts in attaining his Sitecore certification. Many members of New Angle’s team are engaged with Sitecore projects, and plans are in place for more Sitecore Certified team members. 

“Over the past several years, software has been one of the main pillars of our business, and now with our stronger partnership with Sitecore, we’re excited to bring more opportunities for marketing automation to companies in the Valley and beyond,” said Steve Roberts, CEO and co-founder.

Today, marketing is so much more than creating a logo, designing a brochure or business card, or deploying the next round of emails; it’s innovative products to make business of all sizes and industries more agile and effective. New Angle's innovative mindset and creative problem-solving skills continuously meet the changing demands of the customer experience landscape.

“Companies need to innovate to last. Coming up on our 15th anniversary, we asked ourselves, “Where do we want to be in the next 10 years? How do we want to position this for our team?” said Roberts. “We made the decision to adjust our approach to appeal to more midmarket enterprise customers and clients in development of web apps, business sales tools, and cloud infrastructure support to prepare our customers for the next era of digital marketing.”

This evolution from a “middle of the pack” agency to an enterprise B2B marketing firm opens more opportunities to serve the needs of clients in the Valley and greater Southwest region, in industries like healthcare, banking, aerospace & defense, manufacturing, hospitality and IT.

“Utilizing Sitecore’s personalization and marketing automation features ensure our customers will have industry-leading capabilities for driving engaging brand experiences,” said Shaun Roberts, New Angle’s Software Director.

With this unique position in the Southwest, New Angle has formed a Sitecore Users Group (SUG) in Phoenix to educate Sitecore customers, developers, marketers and professionals who want to learn more about the robust platform’s capabilities. The SUG, which will be held at the New Angle office, will be held bi-monthly with alternating topics for marketing and IT professionals, such as marketing automation and audience analytics, developer best practices, product and feature demos, and much more. 

“We’re really excited about the Sitecore User Group because it will be the first of its kind in Arizona, really the entire Southwest. This event gives us the opportunity to share our expertise and meet other members of the Sitecore community,” said Brandt.

The first SUG Phoenix will be held on February 21, 2018 at New Angle's offices in Midtown. Join our Meetup and RSVP to the SUG Phoenix now to keep up to date on future events and topics!

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