When your company name appears online, like on your website, in social media, or as part of review sites or directories, it leaves bits of data for search engines to identify when a user searches for you or your area of expertise. These pieces of data, or footprints, as we like to call them, can be tracked all over the internet, and make up your Digital Footprint.

Your Digital Footprint can say a lot about your company and, if it is incomplete or inconsistent, can be negatively affecting your SEO as well as your company’s brand, image and reputation. The question is, if you don’t know how big your Digital Footprint is, how do you measure it?

New Angle Media’s recently launched Digital Footprint Summary is a new SEO audit tool to help you determine the size and quality of your Digital Footprint!

Using information you provide to us like your business’ NAP information (name, address and phone), your website, keywords and contact information, our experts will scour the internet looking for the footprints you’ve left. The results will be compiled into an easy to digest summary report, complete with scores to ascertain your strengths and weaknesses, and prioritize what can be improved to optimize your Digital Footprint.

Your Digital Footprint Summary will include information about:

  • Site Health – does your website have critical website errors and warnings? Is it mobile optimized? Is it secured using SSL?
  • Keyword Visibility – where does your business rank in searches for common, relevant keywords?
  • Local SEO – Is your business listing correct and consistent across online directories?
  • Social Signals – How does the effectiveness of your social media presence appear overall?

Don’t let your Digital Footprint become an urban myth!

Your web presence is only as strong as the work you put into it, and we want to help you thrive, not hide. New Angle can help you rank higher, be found faster, and connect with more potential customers by improving your Digital Footprint.

Get your free Digital Fooprint Summary now!

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